Monday, March 2, 2009

Being Japanese (American)

At some point since I came to Japan, I made it my goal - quite doubtful it's one I can reach but shooting for it nonetheless - to be able to speak Japanese well enough so that I could fool people with my "mask." One of the perks of this is that I don't get all that extra attention that foreign-looking foreigners get; and one of the minuses is that, well, I don't get all that extra attention.

People usually give me the benefit of the doubt with my appearance - I am, afterall, 100% Japanese in blood - but at some point, they all realize the fact, so I have to measure my progress by the number of seconds, someday I'll make it to minutes, that I can get to before I'm found out.

The other day I was able to introduce my friend to a Japanese person who I didn't know successfully without being found out! The fact that my friend is from Hawaii definitely helped in directing the Japanese person's attention to my friend and not so much to me, but I was quite happy to have "tricked" someone.

I need to think of more ways to create interesting situations from my Japanese appearance.


  1. you would fool me fo sho mang!
    haha not that that says much.. since i am definitely 0% Japanese.

    keep it up mang! = ))) hehe
    nice on juking that one guy out.
    one leads to two, two to 10, you know how it goes, hehe

    - alex

  2. i was talkin to my sensei at an enkai, and everyone was like, oh clinton, your japanese is amazing! and he looks at me, and as an aside, goes, it is totally not amazing. i go, what was that?, and he explained. he wants my japanese to get to the point where people think i was raised in Japan, not just that i can speak. thats the new goal now.
