Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Doing Things Right the First Time

As I go through the process of finding a job, one of the things I always do when searching is evaluate myself and look at what are my "marketable" aspects, as well as what are my weaknesses. When it comes to architecture, I know without a doubt that my biggest weakness is my lack in the understanding of the "nuts and bolts" of things - the technical aspects of what it takes to put a building together. (My college education focused mostly on the design part.)

And now, to get myself a little closer to where I should be, I'm reading this hefty textbook.

If only I stayed awake in class in the spring semester of my junior year, I wouldn't have to do this now...probably.

Oh well.





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Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Phone!

I have finally activated my new cell phone here in America!

E-mail me directly if you would like the new phone number.

Also, to the Iizuka Bus Center bboys: I've finally uploaded the video of our mini battle to youtube.com, so enjoy! Just for you!

Battle (バトル)




Thursday, September 3, 2009

Check it out!

One of my good friends Edison is putting some videos on Youtube of himself playing. Check it out!

