Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Introducing the Bus Center Bboys: Part 2

Continuing the series from Part 1 on the Bus Center Bboys, here's Part 2! Jumping right into things...

the leader, the senpai, or basically, the oldest guy in the group!

Name: Kojima-san (I don't know his first name...)
Age: 31
Occupation: runs his own hair salon, Bagus Hair with his girlfriend Kazue
Extra: He also graduated from that high school near my apartment! His girlfriend's daughter (not his) also goes to one of the elementary schools that I used to teach at.

This guy is awesome! Really charismatic, friendly, funny, and just really good at making people feel part of the group. He's 30 years old but is still breaking strong and is really young at heart. I've gone to his salon numerous times to get my hair cut - he gives me a discount - and it's always fun chilling there with him and his girlfriend. Someday, he'll move to Hawaii, open up a salon, and surf on the side - so he says. Glad to have been able to break with, or just meet this guy.

Name: Masayuki
Age: 18
Occupation: High school student and works at Bagus Hair part time
Extra: He gave me a pair of gloves to keep my hands warm last winter (couldn't really think of anything for this one for him).

Masayuki is the youngest one in the group, but definitely not the worse when it comes to skill. He's like our team Physix (Korean breakdancer), doing one hand hops using either hand, crazy 1990s, hollow backs, flares, and just ridiculous stuff with ease - oh, to be young again! :) The things he's capable of doing is ridiculous and he's also a pretty good dancer to begin with. He's a typical Japanese teenager, always talking about things related to sex, but he's a fun, good guy. I just wish he would enunciate his words more often and slur his speech less.

Name: Mitto-san (his nickname - I forgot what his real name was)
Age: 17? - same age as Masayuki
Occupation: High school student
Extra: He's actually pretty good at English - he gets a little cocky thinking he's amazing sometimes so every now and then I speak a little faster than I usually do with Japanese people to put him in his place.

This guy just started breaking in the Fall but he's been improving pretty quickly. He's still starting out, working mostly on handstands, nikes, and pikes, but he's getting quite good. He's a little quieter and doesn't have as strong of a personality as the other guys do, but he's a chill guy and it's fun chatting with him in English for a couple of sentences every so often.

Oh, and here's some of the food Takanori brought after/from work last night for us: okonomiyaki and takoyaki.

Kojima-san - he's actually a lot better than this; I think he hasn't practiced for awhile like me.

Sometimes, (typically, drunk) people will give us money and watch us practice. Like this guy:

He actually was drunk.

That's all!

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